speech recognition system
Transcriptions and subtitles, automatically in just a few minutes
Try itWhat do we offer?
Automatic subtitles and transcriptions
You can add subtitles to your videos and audios at a click and in just a few minutes.
You can also use it for transcriptions.
Edit and download subtitles
Aditu has an editing interface to make it easy to edit and download your subtitles.
Automatic subtitle translation
You can create multilingual subtitles at a click, because the Elia translator is built into Aditu.
Subtitle your videos for hearing impaired users, and with subtitles in multiple languages you will reach an even wider audience.
Any video or audio
You can subtitle or transcribe any video or audio file.Aditu supports most traditional formats such as MP4, MOV, AVI, WEBM, WMV, WAV, MP3, etc.
It is also compatible with online audio and video (EITB, RTVE, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram...)
Transcriptions and subtitles
Aditu will automatically create audio and video subtitles and transcriptions. Once finished, you can download the transcript text or subtitle file in VTT or SRT format.
You can also view timestamps, e.g. for advanced searches in videos.
Subtitle your video in seconds. With a single click, Aditu's technology will automatically transcribe your video or audio in minutes, saving hours of manual work.
Aditu recognises Basque and Spanish.AND if your video combines both languages, it detects them automatically.
And soon it will also recognise English and other languages!
We manage user data securely, guaranteeing their confidentiality.
The automatic translator Elia lets Aditu translate transcriptions and subtitles into these 6 languages: Basque, Spanish, English, French, Catalonian and Galician.
Professional transcriptions and subtitles
If you need transcriptions or subtitles done by professionals, you can hire Elhuyar's translation service:
subtitles, transcriptions and translations done by professional translators using Aditu's technology.
Our service lets you translate not only into the languages offered by Elia, but to others too.
With Elhuyar's linguistic quality assurance.
Do you want us to make you an offer adjusted to your needs?
Get in touch with usScopes of application
Aditu speech recognition may be applied to diverse fields
Audiovisual communication and communication media
Documentary or program subtitles
Interview transcriptions or other audio recording transcriptions
Conference or course subtitles, live or for subsequent publication
Person-machine interaction
Voice-guided Industry 4.0 machines
Home automation
Dialogue agents and virtual assistants
Call centres and telephone services
Public administration
Municipal plenary records and minutes of other types of meetings
Live subtitling of public sessions
Subtitles for the hard of hearing
Dictation systems for persons with motor disabilities
Here are some of Aditu's results
What these demos show is the result of automatic speech recognition (and in the case of translations, the result of the automatic translator), without any manual correction, but these results are not always possible in every case. Learn how to get the best transcriptions, o try it for yourself live.
Aditu Subscription Plans
Try Aditu for free
Start transcribing your videos and audios! Sign up and try Aditu for free.
You have a 5-minute transcription and translation credit
Automatic transcription
To subscribe greater transcription volumes or periodic service, please get in touch with us
Get in touch with usIkerketa eta garapena
Adituk darabilen teknologia Orai adimen artifizialeko langunean sortutakoa da.
Orai NLP Teknologiak langunean adimen artifizialeko ikerkuntza, garapena eta berrikuntza egiten dute, industria- eta enpresa-ehun lehiakorragoa, administrazio publiko eraginkorragoa eta gizarte inklusiboagoa sustatzeko.